By Faith, Not Sight

Have you ever had a test that you did not study for? Do you think you would pass without studying, probably not. In the Bible there are many people who were tested to try and help them grow. I would like to look at the story of Abraham and how God meant his trials for good, and how Abraham was able to remain faithful, and some steps we can all take to help us pass the tests we may face and always remain faithful.

In Genesis 12:1-4 God gives Abraham his first of many tests, he tells him to leave his country with family to go to a land that God would show him. Could you imagine just leaving everything you own behind to go to a place you know no one? It would be hard, but he didn’t question God, he just went! He had faith. Another time we see Abraham display his faith in God was in Genesis 22:1-19. God tells Abraham to take his only son and offer him as a burnt offering, verse 3 tells us how he rose early in the morning and went to the place God told him. We see as Isaac is questioning his father about the lamb for the sacrifice, we see his faith when he tells him in verse 8 “My son, God will provide the lamb”, even though he was willing to make his son a burnt sacrifice to God he also knew God would supply, and as we all know he did.

So, I ask you how in our trial do we change our outlook, and keep our faith and know God means it for good? First, we must prepare for the test. We prepare by reading our Bible, and we can find comfort in knowing that God has a plan, and how he has always seen the big picture when we cannot. Then we pray, we can take all our worries to God, he never leaves us.

If we can do these things then we can look back on any trial and see God meant it for good and for growth. May we always have faith like Abraham and know through all our trials God is with us. We can always find strength, be prepared, and pass the test.