From Water, Through Water

Moses had multiple times in his life when something bad had happened or something that was important occurred. Although most of these occurrences did not, please Moses, they turned out to help him throughout life and meant something good for him. For example, Moses was first sent away in a basket down the river. Although that this may sound like it affected Moses in a bad way, he was found by Pharaoh's daughter and then lived a fuller and more extraordinary life. Had God not sent Moses down the river, and had Moses not sought revenge for his Hebrew brethren, thus fleeing to Midian, would the actions sent into motion by God be the same? Despite the worldly outlook of these things being unfortunate for Moses, just like it had been for Joseph, God had plans for Moses and the impact he would have for the Israelite people. Moses was Instrumental to God’s response to the sufferings of the Israelites under Egyptian bondage. Exodus 2:24-25, “And God heard the groaning… God saw the people of Israel - And God knew”. Moses also was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egyptian bondage. Also, Moses remained faithful after every time pharaoh said no to releasing the Israelites and through the ten plagues. Moses also faced the challenge of leading the Israelites out of Egypt and through the Red Sea once pharaoh had released them. Next, Moses struck the rock twice instead of speaking to it as instructed. Also, Moses with Aaron knew God’s complete desire to free the children of Israel as well as the desire to no longer serve Pharaoh. God, put into motion, But Moses was very reluctant as he knew that Pharaoh's heart was hardened. His fear did not prevail with the help of God and Aaron. Finally, after the ten plagues, the children of Israel were set free. Moses grew in his faith and found good in his trials and in dealing with Pharaoh. We must dare to face hard times just like Moses had to, leaning on God and yet finding good in his plans for our very own lives.