God’s Purpose in Christ
When thinking about Genesis 50:20, the first person that comes to mind is Jesus when he died on the cross. Jesus, the son of God, was held on the cross by our sins, the wrong things we have done in our past and the things we do in the future. Our sins killed the son of God Jesus by the way of the cross, so we have an opportunity of eternal salvation. Those that had crucified Jesus preferred Barabbas be let free rather than Jesus (John 18:34 – 40). Even though the people were crucifying Him, He still forgave them (Luke 23:34). Paul wrote that our sins hung cross on the cross. Our burdens were His to bear, but our failures were nailed to the cross (Colossians 2:14). Through Christ death, God’s perfect plan for the New Testament church was put in the motion and set the disciples into motion, preaching and spreading the good news. Paul wrote in Romans 8:28 about how good things happened to the people of God because Jesus died. We have the opportunity for good things to happen to us from the suffering of Jesus on the cross and we, also, can become stronger through our own suffering. Just as Philip was able to teach about Jesus’s sacrifice, we can teach others about the Bible and bring others to the Lord for His glory. Acts 3:13 – 15 says Jesus, the son of God, was killed because of us and we were all witnesses. Our disobedience caused Christ suffering on the cross and we are equal to the ones who hung Him there. We must challenge ourselves daily to take up our own cross, and honor Christ by faithful lives. The prophet Isaiah in chapter 53 wrote about how Jesus would die for us and pay for our ransom, even before His birth. From the cross came the ultimate example of suffering to establish God’s perfect plan. Although our lives are far from perfect, and it is our responsible to be obedient and faithful servants, during times of trial and times of plenty. We must live according to the standards of the faithful found throughout the Bible, and we must know that God puts things in our life for His purpose so they might be used for good.