Jonah and God
The story of Jonah is a powerful narrative that tells how God can turn even the most dire situation into opportunities for good. Many times, we are put into situations where we know what we should do, by what God has laid out for us, but feel more comfortable going another path. When we do that, it may seem like the right and easy way at the time, but God’s plan is always the right one in the end. When we find ourselves in situation like Jonah we should always cry out to God and remember all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).
God called Jonah to preach to Nineveh. In the story of Jonah, he turns down the assignment that God gave him and heads to Tarshish instead. But once God dampened his spirit by tossing him out of the boat and into the water God demonstrated his protection by moving him out of the water and into the fish. Jonah realizes God is serious about his command. We must realize that no matter what, we must do God’s command in all things. Although in the end Jonah’s preaching is a success to the people of Nineveh Jonah comes away angry and discourage. He learns firsthand that God always has a plan, and it’s always meant for good.
Not once but two times God called out to Jonah to go preach to Nineveh. The second time Jonah listened to what God said and went to Nineveh. When Jonah preached to the city they believed. God saw the works of the people of Nineveh. They had turned from their evil ways and God relented from their disaster that he would bring upon them and he did not do it (Jonah 3:10).
No matter how long or how many times we are asked to do God’s will and help other’s turn to God. It will always be meant for good no matter how we get there. When we think about the story of Jonah it’s not just about the fish it’s about knowing what God’s will is for our lives. I know I try not to flee from what the bible says but embrace the work of the Lord.