Our Lives – Meant for Good
In the Bible, several stories illustrate instances where God performed acts of kindness for people without them realizing that it was God at the time, often leading to positive outcomes later. For example, when Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers, it seemed like a tragedy, but ultimately led to him becoming a powerful leader in Egypt, allowing him to save his family from famine later. (Genesis 37-50) Then there was the story of Ruth. When Ruth, a Moabite woman, chose to follow her mother-in-law Naomi back to Israel, she unknowingly set herself up to become part of the lineage of king David and ultimately Jesus Christ. Next, consider the account of Esther. Esther was a Jewish woman who would become the queen of Persia and would use her position to protect her people from a plot to annihilate them. Even though she may not have initially known the full extent of the danger they were facing, she remained faithful to her people. Also, recall the Israelites and their exodus from Egypt. While the Israelites were enslaved in Egypt, God used the hardships they faced to prepare them for their eventual freedom and the promised land, even though they didn’t fully understand the plan at the time.(Exodus 1-15) Also, when the Israelites were fleeing from the Egyptian army, God miraculously parted the Red Sea, allowing them to escape, but the full significance of this event might not have been fully understood by them at the time (Exodus 14). As we reflect on these powerful accounts, the challenge to live with such obedience and faith is evident. Our lives are easier and less dangerous than the lives of the Biblical heroes of faith mentioned above. Our lives are filled with stress and distraction that we must remove to focus on the plan God has for our lives and how we can glorify Him each day. Despite the trials, in nature, being vastly different than those of the Old and New Testament, pain, suffering and temptation lurk around even corner and the devil is seeking to devour. We must persevere; we must find the good God meant for us and must see the blessings God has given.