Trials to Triumph: Joseph & Paul
Throughout history, many people have turned to face God and to find meaning and purpose in their lives. Just like Joesph, the things of this life are meant for good, even if they, initially, seem challenging or painful. Having the perspective of a Christian offers a sense of hope and resilience and allows for God’s children to live with great purpose while experiencing both struggles and blessings.
First, the idea that God meant things for good can be seen in the concept of personal growth through adversity. For example, Paul, formally Saul, was a known persecutor of the church. Saul imprisoned many and even consented to the deaths of Christians, like Steven. However, on the road to Damascus, Saul was blinded by a great light and remained blind for three days. Saul was a bad man with a bad past, but God saw good in him. Through a faithful Ananias, Saul was baptized for the remission of sins and grew to become a hero of faith, and a leader for the early Church. Throughout the Old and New Testament, there are examples of hardships that gave opportunities for individuals to develop strength, patience, and wisdom.
For instance, the story of Joseph in the book of Genesis illustrates perfectly the goodness to be found in our lives. Joseph faced numerous hardships, including being sold into slavery and imprisoned. However, these experiences ultimately positioned him to save many lives during a famine. The account shows that God used Joseph struggles for a greater good which shaped him into a leader that could make it a significant difference in others lives.
In conclusion, the belief that God meant things for good is a source of strength, and hope for Christians. Challenges in life are opportunities for growth and are a part of a divine plan. Struggles represent something with a greater purpose than what are shown from a worldly outlook. Just think about the lives and challenges faced by Joseph and Paul, will we have the same courage? Will we have the same faith in God to live in the light? The Christian perspective of their lives should inspire resilience, compassion, and a sense of peace. We must remember when Joseph revealed his identity to his brothers, and he forgave them for their wrongdoing. Joesph explained that their actions, though they met harm to him, were used by God for good. We must challenge ourselves daily to find the good God has provided.